MCKINNEY T4A3786-5X4.5-26D-QC12 T4A3786 Heavy Weight Ball Bearing Hinge With Wires
Product Information
MCKINNEY T4A3786 Heavy Weight Ball Bearing Hinge with Wires- Series: Heavy_Weight
- Description: Full Mortise, 5 Knuckle, 5" x 4-1/2" ElectroLynx Hinge (QC option) 12-wire (.180 Gauge Stainless Steel) US26D Satin Chrome Finish
- Finish: 626_US26D_Satin_Chrome
Quick Metric Conversions: 25mm = 1 inch (approx), 2.5cm = 1 inch (approx), 96mm = 3.75 inches